Part Time Data Entry Jobs from Home
What Are Data Entry Jobs?
Lets first start with what data entry jobs are. Data entry jobs are administrative positions that involve entering, updating, and maintaining data in computer systems and databases. These jobs can be found in numerous industries including healthcare, finance, retail and so many more. Data entry jobs encompass a lot of different areas including transcription, captioning, data management and many others and requires an attention to detail and typing skills to input different types of information, such as text, numbers, or other data, into a computer or data management system. These jobs are essential for companies that need accurate and up-to-date information to make informed decisions. The best part is that you can get full time and part time data entry jobs from home. Also there are no experience data entry jobs from home you can get.
Different Opportunities in Data Entry Jobs
There are many companies offering opportunities in the field of data entry. Keep in mind if you are looking on the internet and you see outrageous money being offered for data entry, it most likely is a scam. You can make decent money with data entry, but not some of the money I’ve seen advertised. Here are eight different businesses that list part-time data entry jobs from home: Indeed is a popular job portal that offers various part-time data entry opportunities from home. You can search for “part-time data entry jobs from home” in the field that says Job title, Keywords or Company. Don’t fill in location; if it is already filled in just delete the location. You will need to search through the results because Indeed will throw in some businesses that want employees to work on site. I just looked through them before writing this and there a good many part time data entry jobs from home available. Fiverr is a freelance marketplace where you can offer your data entry services on a part-time basis. You can create a profile and list your skills to attract potential clients. There are several on this platform that will work 1 hour of data entry for 20.00. You can also submit to your potential customers that you will work 2, 4 or 6 hours for a certain amount of money. Flex Jobs specializes in remote work opportunities and often features part-time data entry jobs from home. After clicking the link make sure you click part time in the filters, so you don’t have spend your time going through the full time jobs.
Linkedin: This site boasts to being the biggest professional network. They are committed to helping you find the perfect job, which in our case is data entry. Give this one a look because I do see a lot of businesses posting jobs.
Upwork: Upwork is another popular freelance platform where you can find part-time data entry jobs from home. Like for you can create a profile, list your skills and let customers find you. Also Upwork has a job listings section that you can find by clicking the link. There you can find entry level data entry jobs as well as proofreading and transcribing.
Glassdoor: Glassdoor is a community of people helping others find jobs with companies you will love to work for. Before writing this I saw some jobs for entry level positions. So even if you are not experienced you can still find a job to meet your needs. is a website that lists remote jobs. After clicking the link make sure to click the positive symbol in the filters to bring up additional filters and click part time. You can also filter by entry level positions if you don’t have any experience. This site is similar to the others in giving you businesses that need people for data entry jobs. When you click the link it should take you to part time data entry jobs. If not, make sure your filters are set to part time, remote jobs and your experience.
Part-Time Data Entry Jobs from Home
The reason to choose a part time, remote data entry job is for its flexible hours and the ability to do this job from home. It can earn you some money to add to the home income or give you some extra money without making too much to interfere with any government or private program.
No Experience Data Entry Jobs from Home
This is a major concern for a lot of us. We want to do something, but we don’t the experience to do it. Then we can’t get the experience without first doing the job. It’s kind of like a catch 22. With data entry there are a lot of entry level jobs out there. Meaning, these are positions that do not require previous experience, because the employers will train the new hires to ensure they correctly do the job and can perform the tasks accurately.
Whether you have prior experience or not, there are options for everyone interested in data entry. I would check out and interact with most of these websites, if not all of them, to increase my chances of getting a part time data entry job from home. If you don’t have the experience yet I would suggest you holding off on creating a profile on or Upworks until you have some experience. People will be coming to you to perform tasks in a timely manner and with little to no experience you could get a bad rating on these platforms. This would greatly hurt your chance for success. When you find possibly the right job, make sure to tailor your application or your resume and cover letter to highlight your relevant skills and/or experience.
Good luck with your job search!